Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Wednesday Night

Well we are spending the night eating dinner from Pizza Factory and watching the Jazz game. The Jazz are playing the Pistons and its an extremely close game. The Jazz were down 18 points at one time and came back and are now leading by 7. Needless to say, for those of you who know Jace and his extreme love affair with the Jazz, it has been a stressful night. Here are some pictures to show the toll that the game is putting on him.
After all the stress and the screaming and yelling, the Jazz pulled it off and beat the Pistons 103-95. In the life of Jace, it was a good night.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys we did not even know that you have a blog till about a month ago. Lauren I am in the same boat you are... Mitch gets all upset when the jazz play. well glad to hear all is well with you guys. we need to get together before mitch and i move in a couple months.