Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Georgia on our minds!

Well, Jace and I are making the final preparations for our Georgia trip and I am so excited I can't even stand it! We are driving down to Vegas today and spending the night at our friends house then we fly out bright and early tomorrow morning. We will fly from Vegas to Fort Worth, TX where we will change planes and then fly the last leg of the trip and land safely in beautiful, wonderful, amazing Atlanta, GA! oh my goodness I am getting even more excited about it just sitting here writing about it! We will spend 12 days at my parents house! My brother Nate graduates from high school on saturday so that will be a big day! Some other plans we have are pedicures for all the girls (a couple times because they are so inexpensive there, haha), a braves game (at least one), maybe six flags, hanging out at their amazing neighborhood pool almost everyday, and maybe a short two day trip to Memphis to see the birthplace of blues and Graceland! It is going to be amazing! Everyone please pray for us that we will make it there, especially with all of the crazy things going on with the airlines lately. Anyways, I will try my best to keep updates coming as our trip goes along. Big ATL, here we come baby!!!


Meghan Ence said...

Hey, weren't you supposed to be working when you wrote this post??? ha ha ha jk. Have a great trip! You will definitely be missed by me!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Big Witt best of luck in Georgia! Don't let Lauren move you there... We are Swiss for life bro " Have you kissed a Dutcheman today?" stay in S.C. I'll be back!

Anonymous said...

hey your blog is so cute!! how is georgia? i still can't figure out the whole friend thing on here and i can't figure anything out. when you get back you'll have to give me a little blog tutor session haha